Jumat, 27 April 2012

instrospective trip: day 2

bandung, 15.04 pm

finally, kkb gonna came here, were sure gonna do some kick-ass stuff at bandung hahahahaha, too bad kak sari went to her damn postgraduate study, kak ika swimming with his friends n aldy still got school, pfft n well because my uncle motorcycle chain broke, he was force to replace it thats why the wiskul plan almost fail (i said almost coz in the end were eating at warung nasi ampera), im just gonna met up with tari, wait for kkb to arrive here and uh i just after playing saints row n bloody hell its fun, tonight plan: rock the hell out of bandung with kkb, hell yea /m\

yours truly, berserkhavoc

Kamis, 26 April 2012

instrospective trip 1: day 1

bandung, 5.25 pm

it was a quite evening, sounds of islamic preaching heard from the mosque my auntie was watching the tv and my oldest cousin was studying for his post-graduate stuff and here i am, typing this post in the middle of this quietness.
why do i call this simple stuff an instrospective trip? because this is gonna be the last trip that im gonna take on as a high school student n yeah, i go here by baraya not driving by myself nor driven by my driver, besides hey, a men's gotta be independent for himself isnt it?
i arrived here around 12.30 n after lunch n dzuhur i pretty much done nothing except playing ipad n watchiug tv, waiting for my cousin to go home, tonight's plan? probably buying some socks n deodorant for me coz i kinda forgot those stuff since this is the 1st time i travel a la backpackers alone, without friends or family with me and baraya itself was good i almost go for 10 o clock shift but because there's a space left in the front seat well, i kinda allowed to get in by the baraya guy, the trip itself took 3 hours too bad i got slept for half an hour n really doesnt see any fancy truck with kick ass name on my way here
and maybe this trip is gonna be pretty much my journey in getting deep inside bandung
thanks for, reading hope u comment n like it always believe in god, always have faith


yours truly, berserkhavoc

Kamis, 19 April 2012

growing up (?)

And it'll happen once again
You'll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
And sees through the master plan

But everybody's gone
And you've been there for too long
To face this on your own
Well I guess this is growing up

itu cuma sepenggal lirik lagu blink 182 yang dammit, walopun di lagu itu mark nyanyinya terkesen semangat, lirik ini menurut gue dalem banget, banyak orang yang walopun aslinya banyak temen, tapi deep inside mereka forever alone karena "unexplainable dipshit" banyak yang merasa terisolir padahal di sekolah dia mungkin temennya banyak jujur awalnya gue ga' percaya ada orang di dunia yang ngerasa kayak gini tapi setelah curcolan seorang temen, gue tau, berjuta2 orang yang ngerasa kayak gini, gile mang dunia nyata ganti nama jadi dunia gendeng dah mending, tapi apapun keanehan yang melanda mereka, gue yakin semua orang pernah ngalemin ini once in a while malah mungkin ini yang bikin mereka grow up lebih cepet dari waktunya, ya salah satunya gue, 17 taun gue idup dah banyak peristiwa yang bikin gue dewasa (malah kadang dewasa sebelom waktunya) banyak peristiwa yang mungkin kalo gue ga berubah jadi makin dewasa mungkin gue bakal sakit jiwa kali gue cuma ngarep satu allah SWT ngasih gue selalu dengan pilihan terbaik, (walopun ada yang kalo gue rasain saking paitnya tai aja mungkin ga' sepait ini kali), hmm thats all for this post thanks for reading folks (y)

Jumat, 13 April 2012

follow friday

here's some awesome band that gonna rock your timeline:
@raihansn (this one is a solo act but still, quite promising)
thats all folks, if u read this please follow thanks

galau: depresi yang tertunda?

mlekum masbro masbro, kali ini postingan gue mungkin kesennya cheesy tapi ya gue cuma nyampein presepsi gue disini, di blog gue, yang baca ini pasti pernah ngerasain kan yang namanya galau galau juga banyak macem lah mulai yang dari nilai, pacar, keluarga berantem mulu, merasa terisolir, depresi dll dst dsb ya gue juga pernah kok ngerasain yang namanya galau walopun menurut gue ada galau yang ga' penting ada galau yang penting kalo galau masalahnya berbobot menurut gue ga masalah lah, kalo galau masalahnya ecek2 gini ni yang bahaya, bah bisa2 gede dikit minum baygon trus masuk headline lampu merah deh lu kenapa gue bisa bilang depresi yang tertunda? karena, banyak orang ngerokok lah, kobam lah, ngebugs lah, ngebobokep lah, dangdutan gaje lah (n laen laen) nah menurut gue ini mungkin salah tapi menurut gue kesalahan yang wajar? kenapa, jujur kalo soal beginian gue dah mulai mikir persetan stereotyping karena jujur menurut gue sekarang kalo ada orang ngomong "dengan penenengan pikiran segala jenis galau bisa ilang" bah, BULLSHIT N SALAH JAMAN LU, sekarang yang namanya ngilangin galau butuh ikhtiar (gue aalah satu orang yang berpegang teguh ama prinsip ini) karena ibarat ibadah, tuhan mana mau denger lu kalo lu bedoa doang tapi ga' ada usaha? makanya buat yang lagi galau, i respect u guys even if society thinks ur doig the wrong stuff in eliminating your galauness, thats all, thanks for reading, peace, love, respect, always believe in god, always have faith